An outdoor storytelling adventure for 3-6 year olds and their families.
Created by Brambledash theatre.

Join Rosemary on a magical journey deep into Storyland. Choose a story disc, stir the story pot and see where the adventure takes you!
Can you help the wizard find the key to his castle? Will the mermaid ever escape the foggy forest? Dare you break the spell and wake the sleeping giant? Whatever your quest, Rosemary and her quirky animal friends will surely need your help to save the day!

A wonderfully funny and playful storytelling adventure for children aged 3-6. This unique interactive experience effortlessly combines theatre, puppetry and songs with the Forest School ethos to inspire children’s imaginations and connect them to nature.
“I never want to leave Storyland!”
Dylan, aged 5
Storyland © Tom Shelton/Brambledash
Brighton Fringe
8th to 19th June 2021